2014年10月20日 星期一

Wasatch Front 100 Mile Endurance Run


這樣不行!! 身為米國歐美崇洋者,一定要打篇超馬介紹文,



相信大家也都有聽過 Leadville 100 ,"天生就會跑"所介紹的比賽.

來看看官網的介紹吧 !

The Wasatch Front 100 mile Endurance Run, Inc. starts at 5:00am sharp on the first Friday after Labor Day. Runners must reach the Finish Line at Soldier Hollow in Midway by 5:00pm on Saturday to successfully complete the race. The race begins just past the entrance to the East Mountain Wilderness Park (650 North 1600 East) about 1/2 mile east of Highway 89 east of the Davis County Animal Shelter (about 17 miles north of Salt Lake City).  The onlilne application period begins December 1st and typically ends within the first week of the following January.  The lottery is held the first Saturday in February.


比賽舉行在九月的第一個禮拜一那個禮拜的禮拜五早上五點(老闆OS : 是太閒膩),
關門時間為下午五點,喔喔喔 是禮拜六下午五點.

The Race: The Wasatch Front 100 is one of the most uniquely challenging ultrarunning events in the world. It is a study in contrasts:The Race: The Wasatch Front 100 is one of the most uniquely challenging ultrarunning events in the world. It is a study in contrasts: peaks and valleys; trail and scree; heat and cold; wet and dry; summer and winter; day and night; Desolation Lake and Point Supreme; "I can't" and "I will!" Dickens had the Wasatch in mind when he wrote, "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times." The primitive and isolated nature of the course is both its beauty and its challenge, for it requires the individual runner to rely primarily on himself or herself rather than the Race's support systems. Wasatch is not just distance and speed; it is adversity, adaptation and perseverance.

是一個很特別的比賽,有山峰跟峽谷的地形,有越野的路段跟碎石路,又冷又熱(WTF ?)<

The Course: The Wasatch 100 is a point-to-point race that traverses the heart of the central Wasatch Mountains, one of the most beautiful ranges of the Rocky Mountains. The course begins in Kaysville, Utah, at East Mountain Wilderness Park running north to the Bonnevile Shoreline Trail to Fernwood Picnic Grounds, the foot of Francis Peak, and ascends nearly 5,000 feet in 9 miles to the ridge line. The trail then turns south and follows the crest of the Wasatch along Francis Peak Ridge, through Farmington Flats and Arthur's Fork, along Sessions Ridge, over City Creek Pass, Big Mountain Pass and Bald Mountain, through Parley's, Lamb's, and Millcreek Canyons, by Desolation Lake and along the Wasatch Crest trail, through Big Cottonwood and American Fork Canyons, and up to Pole Line Pass and Baker Pass. After leaving Baker pass, the course drops down Pot Hollow Canyon to join the Provo Deer Creek Canyon dirt road.  The course then turns up this road until it climbs onto the ridge above Heber Valley and heads South on the ridge road crossing the Cascade Springs Road until reaching the head of Decker Canyon.  The course decends through Decker Canyon to its mouth at the Deer Creek Reservoir Trail that leads to the finish at the Pavilion at Soldier Hollow in Wasatch Mountain State Park, Utah.

是個點到點的比賽,在 Wasatch 山裡面比賽,下面是一堆地名,反正住台灣,也沒SENSE 在哪,
只翻重點, 九英里爬升5000呎 到達陵線,然後就是沿著陵線跑,然後又是一堆地名自己看.

Policy Regarding Dogs And Other Pets:  There are many areas along the Wasatch 100 course that are “watershed” thus dogs and other pets are not allowed. During past runs there were support crew members issued tickets as a result of having their dogs with them. In addition, in the past race participants have complained about sanitation problems that arise as well as dogs that can be protective of their owner and somewhat aggressive.  In order to comply with Watershed and Forest Service regulations, and out of respect for the comfort and safety of race participants, DOGS AND OTHER PETS ARE PROHIBITED FROM ALL VENUES OF THE WASTCH FRONT 100 MILE ENDURANCE RUN including aid stations, the pre-race meeting, the start and the finish. PLEASE PASS ON INFORMATION ABOUT THIS POLICY TO YOUR SUPPORT CREW AS WELL AS FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHO PLAN TO ATTEND THE RACE.


這是硬石超馬(Hard Rock 100)

Along The Trail: The course follows footpaths, game trails and dirt roads, with a few short stretches of pavement, at altitudes from 5,000 to 10,480 feet. While much of the course follows well defined trails, there are stretches of sagebrush, scree, waist-high grass, and fist-sized cobblestones as well. Runners have encountered deer, elk, moose, porcupines, rattlesnakes, bear, mountain lions, sheep and sheepherders.

總爬升高度 5000英尺到 10480 英尺,有可能會遇到一些有的沒的動物,
EX: 麋鹿,豪豬,響尾蛇,熊,山獅,羊,牧羊人(疑? 這也要標註?)

Pacers/Crews: Pacers are allowed for all runners from the Big Mountain aid station (39.07 miles) to the finish. Runners over the age of 60 may have a pacer from the start of the race to the finish. It is not intended that pacers serve as pack horses or physical assistants to their runners. The role of the pacer is to provide encouragement and support. While no hard fast rules have been adopted, the Wasatch Front Race Committee requests that pacers observe the ethics and refrain from carrying their runner's food and water, and exercise discretion in extending physical support. Vehicle pacing is disallowed


Transportation To The Start: We request that no one leave cars at the start as there is very limited parking. There will be buses to transport runners to the start from downtown Salt Lake City and we encourage runners to use this service. There is no additional charge to ride the bus. Runners who ride the bus and wish to leave items at the start may bring a drop bag on the bus and leave it at the start. These drop bags may be picked up at the finish with the other drop bags.


Weather: Temperatures during the race have typically ranged from 25 to 85 F.  Often there is mild, perfect-running weather, however, one year fresh snow fell on Catherine's Pass with a wind chill measured below zero, and another had trail temperatures at sometimes over 100 F. Another year was rainy and muddy both days with low clouds limiting visibility. Humidity in Utah is often very low and may contribute to severe dehydration without the proper fluid intake.
Be Prepared: This event is extremely demanding, and should only be undertaken by athletes in excellent physical condition. All entrants should be familiar with basic first-aid, and know the symptoms and treatment for heat exhaustion, hypothermia, frostbite, and altitude sickness. Some course sections between aid stations exceed nine miles. Runners should be well-equipped to care for themselves and effect self-rescue if necessary. Only runners who can demonstrate successful ultrarunning experience or its equivalent will be considered for entry.

溫度變化很大 25-85F ,要帶簡單的急救物品.

Top Ten Ways To DNF At Wasatch:

10) Wear new shoes.
9) Wear old socks.
8) Waste energy getting mad at little things.
7) Try for that terrific 36 hour "SUNTAN". Would you stick your head in a microwave?
6) Forget to plan for difficult weather: wind, rain, cold, heat.
5) Wasatch only goes up to 10,500. No one ever has altitude problems, right?
4) Forget to consume calories.
3) Think you are staying hydrated by drinking at aid stations only.
2) Rely totally on ribbons to guide your way. Does the word "lost" have meaning to you?
1) Not making friends with Mr. SALT and Mz. ELECTROLYTE.


9. 穿舊的襪子
8. 在一些小事情上浪費太多體力??
7. 曬了36小時的太陽.
6. 忘記對嚴峻的天氣進行準備
5. Wasatch 只爬升 10500 英尺,不會有人高山症,是吧?
4. 忘記攝取卡路里.
3. 只想在各站飲水,自己身上卻沒帶水
2. 完全依賴帶子導引方向
1. 沒有跟鹽先生和電解質先生交朋友

Entry Fee: The $225 entry fee includes entry, course maps, narrative directions, drop bag service, bus service, shuttle van service, aid station services, award eligibility, a commemorative shirt, a post-race buffet dinner, and final race results. The maps and course directions are available on this website.

225美金,含地圖,寄物服務,接駁巴士,急救站,Tshirt 等等.

Drop Bag Aid Stations
1) Francis Peak Maintenance Shed - 18.40 miles
2) Big Mountain Pass - 39.07 miles
3) Lambs Canyon - 52.48 miles
4) Upper Big Water - 60.94 miles
5) Brighton Lodge - 74.63 miles
6) Pole Line Pass - 82.31 miles

7) Finish at Soldier Hollow - 99.66 miles


每年大約 280-330 個人參加.



